La Traviata (Blu-ray & DVD)
Pablo Heras-Casado leads the Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble and a spectacular cast, including Olga Peretyatko, Atalla Ayan, and Simone Piazzola, in Verdi’s timeless tragedy La Traviata from the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden (2015). A video capture of this new production, featuring stage direction by Rolando Villazón, is now available for purchase on Blu-ray and DVD.
Label: C Major Entertainment
Release Date: October 28, 2016
“Pablo Heras-Casado conducts the period instrumentalists of the Bathasar Neumann Ensemble with real fizz and excitement…”
– Gramophone Magazine
“On the podium Pablo Heras-Casado explores all possibilities of subtlety and never covers the singers. He has given them enough space as characters to develop their own nuances. A delicately played piano is heard from the orchestra pit. There is a fascinating control over the color of the solo instruments, especially the woodwinds … there is a special harmony between the conductor and the orchestra.”
{Pablo Heras-Casado am Pult reizt diese Möglichkeiten feinsinnig aus und überdeckt die Sänger nie. Sie haben dadurch ihrerseits genügend Raum, eigene Nuancen zu entfalten. Ein Orchesterpiano delikatester Art erklingt aus dem Graben … herrscht besonderer Einklang zwischen Dirigent und Orchester.}
-Online Musik Magazin
“Pablo Heras-Casado ensures that music of the well-rehearsed, playful Balthasar Neumann Choir and the beautiful sounds of the Balthasar Neumann Ensemble make for a distinct sonic picture. The violins that announce the tragic death of the heroine in ethereal harmonics are especially impressive.”
{Pablo Heras-Casado sorgt mit dem bestens einstudierten, spielfreudigen Balthasar-Neumann-Chor und dem klangschön spielenden Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble für ein differenziertes Klangbild. Besonders eindrücklich die Violinen, die in ätherisch zartem Flageolett den tragischen Tod der Titelheldin ankündigen.}
-Südwest Presse